
Taxsutra Database - Your World of Income-tax Research

Taxsutra brings out an innovative and powerful online reference tool for tax professionals.

Our Database aims at leveraging the strength of Taxsutra to provide a first-of-its-kind, unique online experience to tax professionals. Database will have the historical database of the income tax case rulings.

  • The Comprehensive data bank and state of art search engine 

  • Historical database of the income tax case rulings of the last 6-7 decades reported across ITR, CTR, Taxman, DTR, ITD, TTJ, and ITR(Trib) and which also includes recent unreported handpicked ruling.

Databse is specifically designed keeping in mind the needs of tax professionals. It aims at providing the most relevant search. The database can be classified on the basis of judgements, the names of judges and counsels, Income Tax Sections, etc., and  moreover, navigation is simple, easy and user-friendly with unique features, such as highlighting content within content.

Database – Search

  • Powerful search engine to help in getting the desired results

  • Search algorithm developed based on cutting-edge technology and deep tax domain experience

  • Search learns from users’ behavior

  • Various filters available for refining the search results viz., court level, location, case number, citation and others

  • Bull’s Eye Search Tool with options like "exact words", "any of these” & “none of these"

  • Auto complete of search query on the landing page

  • Option to search within the judgment

Personalized user experience

  • User can view all his past searches through his account

  • Users can bookmark the important judgments for future reference

  • Highlight feature available for the users to mark out important portions of the judgments

  • Option to download a PDF, share or print the analysis/ruling

  • Select suitable font size, navigating between pages, jump to a specified page

Database Features

  • Expert Columns to be made available on various topics

  • Additional information like Related tags, Similar Cases can be viewed on the judgment detail page

  • Extensive hyperlinking of cases referred, sections, parallel citations, case numbers and commentaries for the ease of the user to jump to the relevant information

  • Law Text data available – Income Tax Act, Rules, Circulars, Notifications, DTAA etc. available for the users

The Taxsutra Database comes at a very special Annual Subscription price of 4200 + GST AND includes a annual license to the Taxsutra Library.

Click here to sign up, make payment and join the Taxsutra Family

For enquiries, technical support and subscriptions

Call On +91 95952 18026
Contact Kalpana J at +91 98200 47188
