Expert Articles :

Experts' Views on Updated Return, Rulings on FTC, Colourable Device & More... ITAT: Rejects stamp-duty valuation u/s 50C as FMV for computing CG; AO justified in levying fees u/s 234E.....and more! SC: Depreciation claim withdrawn during subsequent search proceedings; Fess u/s 234E can be imposed.....and lots more! “Tax offence and prosecution initiation u/s 276C” “FPI & PE funds – unintended Tax Consequences; CIT(A) power to decide stay petition; Transfer of accumulated income to unregistered.....and lot more! Interest earned on Bank deposits not eligible for deduction u/s 80IB(10); Newly formed Trusts entitled for Sec. 12AA registration;...and lots more!! Performance bonus does not form part of 'salary'; Guideline value is not the market value.....and lots more!! The battle for custody of tax refunds; No exemption u/s. 54B on investment made in the name of the spouse ....and lots more!! SC: No bar in law for a person dealing in land to also have investment in land; “Secondment of employees and tax litigation – A perpetual battle" – Part 2...and lots more! ITAT grant`s relief to 'Moin Qureshi'; No immunity from penalty, even if specific charge not mentioned in SCN issued u/s 274 Sec. 80G deduction available for donation forming part of CSR obligation; Income from unlisted company’s share sales to be taxed as “capital gain”...…and lots more! SC: Remands matter to HC for deciding issue of royalty on merits; Interplay between PPT under MLI and GAAR....and lots more! Prosecution SCN should contain specific particulars; Sec. 54F eligibility on investment in multiple plots; Code on Social Security.....and lots more! ITAT: CIT(A) / AO cannot travel beyond the limited directions of ITAT in remand proceedings; A Deep dive into withholding taxes on dividend income Sec. 115BBE does not apply to business receipts / turnover; Interplay of Domestic GAAR and PPT...and lot's more! Profits of sick industrial company for computation of MAT liability; “Beneficial Ownership” of a Family Trust's foreign bank deposits and lot`s more..…!! Taxability of workstations lease rent; Assessee’s right of cross-examination of evidence; Decoding POEM - Test of Residency.....and lots more! New Feature of “Judicial forward & backward reference"; Important rulings of SC, HC and ITAT; Faceless Assessment Scheme...and lots more! Face trial for not filing IT returns; Settlement under VSVS; TDS on purchase of software license; “Judicial forward & backward reference" and ....lots more! TDS u/s 194N on Cash withdrawals by societies member; GSTR-3B and FORM 26AS – Comparing Apples with Oranges & “Judicial forward & backward reference" and ....lots more! ROI processed prior to June, 2015, fees u/s 234E cannot be levied; “Judicial forward & backward reference" and ....lots more! Deduction u/s 80JJAA – A must take incentive; Provisions of section 56(2)(vii) inapplicable to land held as stock-in-trade & more! Set-off of loss against income determined u/s 115BBE; TDS liability upon retrospective law and Project Office - Tax & Regulatory aspects...and lots more! Budget 2021: Relief from double taxation for NRIs; HC admits writ challenging retrospective amendment to Section 115BBE; Prosecution u/s. 276C(1)...and lots more! FCCB buy-back at discount, a capital receipt not exigible to tax; FB 2021 - Faceless ITAT, Capital gains on firms/AOPs & more! Twin claim u/s 80HHC/80-IA; Receipt of bonus-shares u/s 56(2); Revisionary powers of CIT u/s. 263; Loss of Shareholding - Whether Capital Loss?... and lots more! Gift to Senior Citizens; Appeals for VsV Benefit; Disallowance of Excess Application by Trusts; Dividend tax...and lots more! Key Amendments to the Finance Act, 2021; Rejection of application u/s 254(2) not order appealable u/s 260A..and lot's more! “Registration u/s 12A- New Procedure under IT Act”; Inadvertent omission to fill schedule in ITR mere “technical-error”.... and lots more! “TDS on Purchase of Goods” - All Questions Answered; CIT’s revisional powers u/s 263; Income from business of Chitties incidental……….and lot's more! “Equalization Levy and Treaties”; Amendment in Sec. 12AA(3) by FA, 2010 is clarificatory; HC stays demand of 669cr from faceless assessment......and lots more! Demystifying Deemed Tax Residency law; Order rejecting condonation for belated return, 'highly pedantic'; Ahuja-Gupta's 10 Superhit Direct-Tax Titles!!.....and lots more! SC Stays operation of HC-order over Bangalore Palace; Dismisses SLP against Sec. 271D/E penalties; Tax on Undisclosed and Disclosed Income; Govt’s attempt to make Slump Sale ‘Fair’........and lots more! Retiral schemes – Challenges for Companies; Depreciation on goodwill; Allowability of revision in Form 10.... and lots more! Dismisses WP to institute disciplinary action against IT officials; Illegal adjustment of refund and lots more! Sufficiency of “reasons to believe” u/s 147 is not for Court to judge; Withdrawal of exemption u/s 10(23C)(vi) by Pr.CIT before CBDT Notification on Rule 2C, bad in law .....and lots more! Rulings on maintainability of low tax-effect appeal; Refund adjustment u/s 140A inapplicable to Karvivad Samadhan Scheme & More! Affixture of notice after office hours, invalid; Unauthenticated information on foreign bank account not reliable & lots more! Exemption on ex-gratia sum received by legal heir; Allowability of commission paid to director u/s 36(1)(ii) & lots more! Fees paid to visiting doctors not liable to TDS u/s 192; Allowability of CSR expenses not restricted u/s 80G & a lot more! "IT Forms and Audit Reports”; Examination of transactions under Benami Law..and lots more! Indirect Transfers - Impact of withdrawal of the retrospective amendment; Relief of interest u/s 234B to Trust & More! Is iPad a Computer?; The Black Money Act – A Genesis; HC: Upholds CBDT’s notification extending time to issue Sec. 148 & lots more! Rulings on TDS Deducted but not deposited; MCI regulations on ‘freebies’ and lots more! Rulings on post-search assessments; Period of limitation u/s 263; Society's eligibility for benefit u/s 10(23C) & Lots More! Analytical Articles on Union Budget Direct Tax Proposals; Addition u/s 68; Power of CPC and lots more! Taxsutra Database Bulletin: Expert's view on Budget Proposal, Sec.80P Deduction, Peak Credit Theory & More... Expert's View on PMLA Notification; Rulings on Scope of Review, Capital Receipt & More... Rulings in prohibited expenditure, cash receipts, prosecution settlement & more... Rulings on prosecution, corporate-tax deductions, reassessment & more.. Rulings on TDS pedagogues' salary; Interplay between STPI approval and exemption u/s 10B & a Lot More! Allowability of export commission, expenditure on development of designs and tools; Impact of amendment of Sec. 40(a)(ia) & Lots More! Business vs Profession Receipts - Is it debatable?; Legality of seizure of stock-in-trade and lots more! WhatsApp Messages on Sec.139A(5)(c); Essentials of effective hearing on waiver of interest u/s 220(2A) & Lots More! HCs prefer appeal against faceless assessment over writ remedy; Tax Litigation – Need for Consistency; SC ruling on Interest u/s 234B & Lots More! Year End review 2021 - Selected 15 ruling on Recovery Proceedings Under IT Act, 1961 Addition u/s. 68 - Onus to prove?; Taxability of Capital Gains on execution of JDA.. and lots more! Budget Special: Corpus Donations; Tax Treatment of Dividend; Amendment to Sec.37 & Lots More! Sec.14A - Analysis of Ambiguities; VDA – Unlawful or Unregulated; TDS on Benefits; Trusts' Taxation & lot`s more! Experts views on Budget Proposals; Rulings on CIT's Powers, Expatriate Cost, Penalty & Lots More! Rulings on Additional Evidence, NRs Taxability on Turnkey Project, Sec.69A Addition & More... Expert's view on MFN Circular, Rulings on reassessment, undisclosed income, other sources & more Significance Of Date Of Signing The Reassessment Notice; Limitation Period For Sec.264 & Lot’s More! Expert's views on ITRs; Rulings on principles governing penalty, stay on demand & constitutionality of Sec.32(2)(a) of Benami Act Dismissal of SLPs on myriad issues - Sec.68 addition, reassessment over penny stock, Sec.80-IB(10) amendment & more Expert's views on reassessment controversy; Rulings on Sec.80P deduction, FTC & More Rulings on Co-operative Societies' assessment, Interest awarded by MACT & More... Rulings on Compounding of Offences, Limitation Period for Benami Order, Article on Sec 194R & More! Expert's view on Reassessment; Rulings on TDS, Capital Gains, Limitation & more Expert's view on statutory approvals; Rulings on cash deposit, prosecution & more! Expert's views on Search & Seizure, Rulings on bogus loans, post-search assessment & more... Rulings on validity of standalone statements in post-search assessment, Taxability of FTS, NPA-interest & More... Rulings on TDS Proceedings, Sec.68 Addition, Expert's views on withholding tax-refund & more... Expert View on Inter-Trust Donations & DIN Mandate, Rulings on Prosecution & More... Rulings on Sec.80P deduction, Interest on delayed TDS remittance; Expert’s view on MFN Judgment & more…! Rulings on prosecution for tax-evasion, delay condonation under Sec.119 & more… Rulings on Notional Rent, Tax Holidays, Sec.11 Exemption & More… Rulings on ITR & audit delay, Sec.68 addition on rejected books & more… Taxsutra Database Bulletin: Rulings on satisfaction note u/s 153C; Nil TDS not allowed due to lack of evidence; Tax recovery proceedings & lots more! Ruling on 54F exemption scope for jewellery; Sec. 69 addition for incorrect section citation and lots more Income addition and revision order; Delay by 2000 days denied; Revision upheld, hybrid accounting accepted... and more! Key policy changes in Direct Tax Laws and their Impact on Rulings: Finance Bill, 2025 overview Key rulings on Interest for Non-Payment, Transfer under development agreements, and Prosecution quashing & lots more!